Webinar for EP: ASTM E1527 Phase I Standard
Edrnet has a great webinar to prepare you for the implications of the new ASTM E1527 Phase I standards to be released in 2013.
If you are an Environmental Professional, Lender, Insurer, Attorney or a buy or seller … the new government guidelines will probably effect you.
Watch this seminar and do not be caught off guard.
As an executive summary, the key revisions are expected to be:
1. Vapor intrusion is considered the same as Groundwater Contamination
2. Cleared properties could be re-opened if VI is a possibility
3. New and Revised definitons for Recognized Environmental Condition (REC), Historical REC (HREC), Controlled REC (CREC) and de minimis
There is no direct link to this seminar, but you’ll easily find it listed at http://www.edrnet.com/events–resources/web-seminars-current because it is a recent seminar – April 23, 2013.
You will need to register for BrightTalk to watch the seminar.
Credits: http://www.edrnet.com/events–resources/web-seminars-current